Transform your pain into power.

Peter Stath Physio offers considered rehabilitation, combining manual therapy with an emphasis on strengthening techniques, to promote physical and mental well-being.



Peter Stath’s mission is to help transform your body into a stronger, more powerful you upon returning from injury. Peter will help you understand how your condition relates to your lifestyle, to accurately modify activities, and facilitate an optimal return to performance.


Exercise Rehabilitation

A strong focus of Peter Stath Physio, is the importance of exercise rehabilitation in the management of injury. Exercise rehabilitation is delivered through a variety of methods, based on the individual’s needs and physical abilities.


Post Surgery Rehab

“A huge goal of mine is to get you better than you were before, because it’s the level you were at, that got you injured. We want to get you to 150% and help make you stronger, more robust and more resilient to particular injuries.”

-Peter Stath, Physiotherapist


Physiotherapist Peter Stath, talks about the importance of post surgery rehab and why you should start moving as soon as you can.



Return to sport injury free

As COVID cases dwindle, people are starting to feel optimistic regarding the resumption of sport. However, the question beckons, will the period of reduced regular training, lack of contact and overall reduced volume of sport, impact our athletes? Read more


Knee replacement

A total knee replacement is often performed to remove pain, and restore optimal function in an arthritic knee. An awareness of the procedure and what to expect following surgery, will assist in achieving the best outcome, and help you get the most out of your new knee. Read more


Training in young athletes

Early specialisation in a particular sport, does not necessarily correlate with greater performance in later years. As they grow, it is vital that young athletes are exposed to holistic development in their athleticism to help reduce their injury risk. Read more


Become stronger, more robust and more resilient to injury.
